Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 4 Weights 1-2

So I just completed Day 4 which was Phase 1-2 weights. This routine includes various weight training exercises as well as lots of push ups. I've never been able to do push ups and this routine makes you do 7 initial push ups, then weight training, then 7 wide push ups (hands are farther than shoulder width), more weigh training, then 21 push ups (7 wide, 7 narrow, 7 regular).

I found out after my first weight training day (Day2) that I could not do all the push ups the normal way, so I am starting out with knees on the floor. Today I did that and almost, yes almost, got through the entire routine (those last few are killer). Anyway, I know that once I am able to do them completely, I will have accomplished something. Then I can start doing them without the knees on the floor. We'll see what happens.

Overall I felt better with the program today. I'm getting used to the moves and did them all in better form, I think. I actually had beads of sweat today. I didn't have that my first day. I am currently using 15 lb weights, and will stay there for about 7 or so training days (which will be at about day 14), then I will see if I will switch to 20 lb weights.

On the diet side I did OK had an omelet for breakfast, protein drink snack, 1/2 bagel with turkey tomato, lettuce and bacon (probably should not have had the bacon). For dinner, homemade chili with ground beef, chili beans and tomatoes (pretty healthy, right). Also watched portion sizes (ie had a small bowl of chili and only 1/2 the bagel.

New challenges starting tomorrow as I am on my way to Jacksonville for our sales kickoff. This will be 4 days where I will be doing these exercises in my room. I am bringing resistance bands (came with the product), and I burned the Phase 1-2 DVD to my IPhone (my small laptop does not have a built in DVD player. I consider this my first real test, as it will be so easy to just not do the program during kickoff (and by the way, I took a peek at the agenda and we will be doing things all evening, so I will have to get up early every morning to do these exercises which is new to me as well because I normally do my routine in the evening). OK, wish me luck.

Oh, by the way, from time to time I will be adding any reflections I am having as I move though this path so watch out for those. I will probably just title those: Reflections.

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