Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 5 - 8

So, its Sunday and I got back from our sales meeting this week semi-successful. Of the four days out, I was able to exercise 2 days: Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday was our sales dinner and our meetings went long, so I did not get an opportunity to do anything, and on Friday, I traveled back home and while I did have some time to exercise in the evening, I was plum-tired.

On the food front, I think I did pretty good (except for alcohol, which was prevalent). I have tried to stick with high protein foods and have tried to limit my carbs. Overall, I think I did pretty well on this front, but I also think the alcohol consumption probably undid all the good I did with meals.

I have picked up the training on Saturday and today, Sunday. Here are a couple of things I have noticed. I have three weak areas that I need to work on: cardio stamina, push-ups, and the 100 crunches I'm supposed to be doing.

I am doing better in the cardio stamina front, as I have on Saturday for the first time, been able to go through the program without hitting the pause button. I have to keep working on that however. I am getting stronger in doing push-ups, but still have trouble doing their last 21 ( 7 with wide arms, 7 narrow, and 7 normal). By the time I'm at the last 7, I can only do about 4. Also, I am still doing push-ups with knees on the floor. I expect I will move to full push-ups when I have been able to complete the 21 push-ups on a regular basis.

My third weak area is ab crunches (this program has you do 10 different crunches in 10 reps). This is very difficult to do, but I did better on Saturday when I completed them. My ab muscles are very sore today (especially my lower abs), so I imagine its because I'm doing the crunches much better.

One final note today, I have not felt that my pants are any looser than when I started. I'm hoping that will come with time, but I am starting to feel stronger so I do feel good about that. Oh, by the way, on the weight exercise front I am going to start using 20 lb weights instead of 15. I am also going to start using hand weights when we do the boxing steps in the program (I don't feel like I am getting a lot from the boxing movements, so I will try to add weights to see if that makes a difference - it should).

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to keep yourself on track with an exercise and healthy eating program. I think it is very brave of you to expose yourself in this fashion. I mean, you are not on this journey alone anymore, there are people following your progress. Do you think this will help you feel committed to this program and help you to stick to a healthy diet? To me, it would give me the sense of obligation and commitment to myself and my readers.

    On a similar note, I purchased the same P90 program about two years ago, followed it for about 3 weeks, then slowly found excuses not to continue. The DVDs have been in my DVD collection collecting dust ever since. I think it's time for me to blow off the dust and start my daily commitment too. Perhaps I'll share my progress with you from time to time.

    On the diet front, I am doing the Weight Watchers program. This program focuses on watching what you eat by tracking points, which are calculated by tracking the food calorie, fat, and fiber content. They also promote eating "filling" foods, which basically means focus on eating healthy proteins, veggies, etc. and limit the starches. The weekly weigh-ins help me stay on track.

    Well, stick with it Bob. And, just know that you are not on this journey alone. Also, thanks for starting this will help me stay committed to my exercise program and healthy eating plan too. I'm going to restart the P90 program today. Wish me luck.
